My first commission of the year showed me an example of what they wanted created with AI – for the first time ever. So, I asked AI “why hand painted artwork is more valuable now that AI is a thing”, a move that was both a recursive loop of potentially damaging thought and an attempt at more art, painter, and maker commissions via organic Google searches. 

(Did I mention I am also a custom SEO focused website designer?)

Anyway, here’s what Google’s Bard had to say about it:

The rise of AI has made hand-painted artwork more valuable for several reasons:

  1. Uniqueness and Authenticity: AI-generated art, while impressive, lacks the unique touch and personal expression that is inherent in hand-painted artwork. Each brushstroke, color choice, and composition decision made by the artist contributes to the artwork’s uniqueness and authenticity, making it more valuable in the eyes of collectors and art enthusiasts.
  2. Human Emotion and Connection: Hand-painted artwork often carries the emotions and experiences of the artist, which can evoke a deeper emotional response and connection with viewers. The imperfections, nuances, and subtle details present in hand-painted pieces add a layer of depth and authenticity that is difficult for AI to replicate.
  3. Artistic Skill and Mastery: The creation of hand-painted artwork requires years of practice, skill development, and mastery of various techniques. The ability to translate one’s imagination, emotions, and ideas onto canvas is a testament to the artist’s talent and craftsmanship. As AI becomes more sophisticated, the demand for genuine, hand-crafted artworks may increase as collectors seek pieces that showcase human creativity and skill.
  4. Limited Supply and Rarity: Unlike AI-generated art, which can be infinitely reproduced, hand-painted artwork is limited in supply. The scarcity of original pieces contributes to their perceived value and desirability among collectors and investors.
  5. Artistic Legacy and Preservation: Hand-painted artwork serves as a tangible representation of cultural heritage, artistic movements, and the evolution of human creativity. It preserves the legacy of artists and provides a glimpse into the past, making it more valuable as a historical and cultural artifact.

In conclusion, the rise of AI has highlighted the distinct value of hand-painted artwork due to its uniqueness, emotional connection, artistic skill, limited supply, and role in preserving cultural heritage. These factors contribute to the increased appreciation and value of hand-painted artwork in the current age of technological advancements.

I mean… it’s not wrong. AI will never be able to create like an artist for hire like me!

Hand painting, crafting, chalkboard painting, and much more are available through visual.destini. You can hire me to paint murals, signage, and so much more!